Version 4 of Oriana, our circular statistics program, has now been released. Version 4 adds a number of new statistical analyses, including second order stats and various forms of Hotellings, a new variable type based on lunar cycles, and easier ways to work with frequency data, plus many other minor improvements.

WordStat is a text analysis module designed to analyze and categorize textual information. The new version delivers enhanced analytical and visualization tools in an improved easy-to-use interface. See all the new features.

QDA Miner is an easy-to-use qualitative data analysis software package for coding textual data, annotating, retrieving and reviewing coded data and documents. QDA Miner also provides a wide range of exploratory tools to identify patterns in codings and relationships between assigned codes and other numerical or categorical properties. See the new features here.

SIMSTAT is an easy-to-use and powerful statistical program that performs a wide variety of statistical analyses. Its innovative output management and scripting language lets you automate statistical analysis and write interactive tutorials.